8.4 Building Virtual Team Culture

Course Overview As more and more teams are working remotely and collaborating across the globe, there is an accompanying need to become effective at creating and nurturing a virtual team culture. At the most fundamental level, the purpose of a healthy team culture is to support the growth, happiness, inclusion and engagement of all members, […]

8.3 Virtual Team Recruitment

Course Overview Hiring new team members for a virtual team requires a slightly different approach compared to the usual in person recruitment process. In this course, we will look at how to make a success of your recruitment process for new virtual team members. We will go through all stages of the process from advertising […]

8.2 Virtual Team Members

Course Overview The rise of the virtual workforce means more and more companies are managing quasi or fully virtual teams. These days, almost anyone can work remotely, but this doesn’t mean that everyone is suitable for virtual work. In this course, we will look at some of the characteristics that make people suitable for virtual […]

8.1 The Rise of the Virtual Workplace – The Big Picture

Course Overview Virtual workplaces have become more commonplace, through both necessity and opportunity. The recent global pandemic forced many organizations to run virtually, and several have chosen to continue leveraging the opportunities this provides. In this course, we will take a big picture view of the rise of the virtual workplace. We will look at […]

