Course Overview
Communication happens when we speak, write or non-verbally express a message that someone else then receives. The message we send, however, is not always the message that is received and there are several factors that can affect this.
When we communicate with clarity the message which other people receive has a better chance of being the same as the message we intended to send. Clear communication ultimately requires clarity and care from both the sender and the receiver of a message.
In this course, we will look at why clear communication is important, some of the obstacles that prevent clear communication and how to communicate more clearly using our words and actions.
Introductory Video
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will understand the following:
- Learn why clear communication is important
- Learn the seven C’s of communication
- Discuss the top tips for clear written communication
- Discuss the top tips for clear verbal communication
- Discuss the top tips for clear non-verbal communication
Study Guide
We know that different people like to learn in different ways. If you like to write notes as you work through a course, here’s a handy study guide (.PDF) for you, in printable or “fillable” form. Use the printable version if you would like to print out the study guide and write down your notes. Or, if you prefer to use a PDF reader you can take notes on your favorite handheld device using the “fillable” version.
Communicating with Clarity Study Guide – Printable