Milestones and Targets
It can be hard to stay focused on long-term goals. We don’t see results right away and we have to wait a long time to feel a sense of accomplishment – that lovely dopamine rush of ticking off a completed task.
Breaking a goal down into smaller chunks can help to keep you motivated and focused. You will have a regular sense of satisfaction coming from the completion of these smaller tasks, and they will soon add up to the achievement of your big goal.
When you have set your big goal, you can break it down to create sub-goals, tasks and subtasks. Key sub-goals along the way might be measurable targets e.g. reaching 50% of your quarterly sales target, or milestones along the way to achieving your goal e.g. the first full month of a new exercise regime.
Identify and journal your milestones and targets in time by putting them into a calendar or goal tracking schedule. This helps you plan to achieve your goal in a set period of time and to pace yourself sustainably to achieve it. Regularly taking small bites out of your bigger goal will keep you on track and on schedule.