Telephone Communication in Business

Why Choose Telephone?

Believe it or not, phone communications is still relevant in business. Nowadays we have email, instant messaging, social media, texting and so much more. But the phone provides an element to remote communication that nothing else does: The human voice. There are many benefits to phone use explained below.

“On the telephone, voice tone gives dimension and emotion to words, increasing the effectiveness of the communication…Texting and emails are simply words open to interpretation by the receiver, without the benefit of voice tone or body language.” – Mary Nestor-Harper

Advantages of Telephone Use
  • It’s Instant – On a call, you can have a conversation that is just as fast in-person. The recipient can hear you in real time and vice versa, unlike needing to wait for a return message over text or email.
  • It’s Very Personal – As stated in the quote above, “texting and emails are simply words…without the benefit of voice tone…” The phone allows you to hear the other person’s voice and all of the emotional tones that come with it, making it a more personable and intimate form of communicating.
  • It’s Mobile and Accessible – With the invention of smart phones, you can call anyone, from anywhere, at any time. The fact that we can carry our small devices around with us in our pockets makes phone communication extremely accessible.
  • It’s Easier to Communicate – Waiting for a response text can be frustrating. Not to mention, trying to interpret the text can also be a challenge. The phone provides everything in-person communication can without the non-verbal cues. It’s faster and more natural to talk to a real voice.
  • It’s Safer – Texting and driving is to be avoided at all times. However, with the invention of hands-free devices, it’s possible to talk to someone on the phone in your car as easily as you would talk to your passenger. If you’re on the go and need to communicate with someone in your car, a hands-free phone call is the way to go.
When to Use Telephone

Sometimes, in the professional world, a phone call is definitely more meaningful than a text.” – Kevin Harvick, Professional NASCAR Driver

  1. Your message is urgent I

    If you need an immediate answer from someone who is far away, the phone should be your first choice. You can talk to the recipient in real time rather than waiting on a response message.

  2. You want to have a private conversation . Unlike text and email messages, phone conversations are not usually recorded. This is why phone is an excellent choice for having a private conversation with someone.
  3. You need to address a sensitive or emotional issue  If you’re not able to meet in-person with someone to have a sensitive or emotional conversation, then pick up the phone. The phone allows for the verbal cues not available over text so that emotions can be easily conveyed.
  4. You need in-depth information If you need answers to a large volume of complicated questions, then ask over the phone. Few people want to shuffle through a slew of intricate questions over text message or email.
  5. You want to appear more personal  There is a large disconnect with email or text. For example, if you’re trying to get a newsroom to run your press release, they are more likely to ignore your email than they are a personable phone call. The same goes for following up with potential clients.

    “Being alert to how your voice inflection can impact your ability to communicate effectively with others can boost the effectiveness of your interactions.”

    –Lin Grensing-Popha, Business Journalist

  6. The person you’re meeting with is not present If you typically meet with your co-worker in-person, but they are out of town for a week, then schedule a phone meeting. The phone is the second best bet next to a videoconference, as you’ll be able to have a full, real-time conversation.

