GLP as a Powerful Tool

GLP is an excellent tool for learning from each other. It does not have to be a one-way communication. It can be used in a variety of settings; from a one-on-one with an employee you are mentoring to a large group of people who are working together to achieve a common goal.

Why use GLP?

GLP is non-judgmental and non-threatening. ( How could I possibly offend you by telling you about something that happened to me? )

GLP is a great way to authentically connect, learn and influence.

If you were to give a person advice on how to onboard new employees, that person would potentially walk away with a handful of specific tools/tips to try to implement at best, and at worst, they would be turned off and tune out what you were saying because they didn’t ask for your advice. Instead, if you shared your experiences on how you onboarded new employees, your listener may walk away with an ah ha! moment that she can use in a broad set of situations.

In a simplified way, think of it as the difference between being a parent and a role model. Parents direct. Role models show.

Advice directs. GLP shows.

