Course Summary
In this course, we have looked at the importance of team culture in any team, and how you as a virtual team leader can intentionally create the conditions for a healthy, thriving team. We have looked at the Tuckman Model of team development to understand the stages a team goes through as they work together, and how to avoid some of the potential dysfunctions that can occur. Finally, we have looked at how to create a team culture where differences are embraced and valued across all functions of the organization.
Discussion Questions
“Discussion questions are used by workgroups who are taking courses concurrently and want to engage in a conversation about the course content. The use of discussion questions is optional.”
- What are the core values that define your team culture?
- Have you experienced any of the 5 Dysfunctions listed in this course in your team? How did you address them?
- How can your team do more to embrace and value diversity?
- Have you experienced the ‘storming’ stage of the Tuckman Model in your team? How did you navigate it?
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