2.11 Optimizing Gmail

Course Overview Are you an ‘inbox zero’ person or do you have thousands of unread emails lurking in your Gmail account? In this course you will learn the basics tools for managing your Gmail account to optimize efficiency and peace of mind, as well as some advanced tips to really make your email work for […]

2.10 Communicating in a Virtual Work Environment

Course Overview In an office-based team, there are many different ways for employees to meet, communicate and connect: by the water cooler, during Monday morning meetings, in the lunchroom, stopping by an office… the list goes on. How can virtual teams – who may be in different places, time zones or even countries -create opportunities […]

2.9 Effective Writing in Business

Course Overview While it’s true that technology is one of the primary mediums of communication and that hand-written letters are nearly obsolete, writing is still an extremely important tool for sending and receiving communications. Now, however, writing is typically done through email, text messaging, and social media rather than physical pieces of paper. In business, […]

2.8 Telephone Best Practices

Course Overview Telephone communications is still very relevant in our world today. This goes for personal and business relations. With the invention of smart phones, now they are more relevant than ever, since we can pick up the phone and make a call from anywhere and at any time. Given that it’s still so important […]

2.7 Using Email in Business

Course Overview Email is one of the primary modes of communication in business, which makes it primarily, a professional medium. There are certain guidelines around appropriate use of email at the workplace. One must be careful in determining when it’s suitable to use email while also being aware of what constitutes proper email etiquettes. Introductory […]

2.6 Communicating with Clarity

Course Overview Communication happens when we speak, write or non-verbally express a message that someone else then receives. The message we send, however, is not always the message that is received and there are several factors that can affect this. When we communicate with clarity the message which other people receive has a better chance […]

2.5 The Communication Process

Course Overview As a leader, communication is one of the most important skills to master. After all, you’re engaging with others all the time, whether they’re employees, clients, or other managers. Understanding people, providing constructive criticism, assigning tasks, and sending emails are all of examples of how leaders communicate consistently throughout the day. Therefore, as […]

2.4 Giving Feedback

Course Overview When we think about giving feedback to an employee or colleague, there are several ways to go about it – from empathic and caring reflection, through to more critical and negative feedback. Choosing the appropriate level of feedback for the situation is a skill. In this course you will learn about 7 different […]

2.3 Building Awareness with Gestalt Language Protocol

Building Awareness with Gestalt Language Protocol Course Overview Gestalt Language Protocol is a way of communicating with people in a non-judgmental manner. The fundamental concept is that sharing experiences rather than sharing advice is a more effective way to communicate. Its foundation is in the much broader subject of Gestalt philosophy, a theory developed over […]

2.2 Become a World Class Listener

  Course Overview Being a good listener isn’t just a nice character trait; it is an essential part of our personal and professional lives. The truth is, many of us are so caught up in the business of our own worlds that we end up mastering the art of talking while neglecting the honing of […]

